Cliff Gives Handy Man Sloppy Blowjob

“Um, listen. I haven’t been able to find a good contractor. I was hoping that you could recommend someone to me, maybe? Or maybe you could do the job if it’s not… you know… weird…”
“Oh. No. Yeah. I mean, I can do the work.”
“Oh, that’d be great,” I said with relief.
We discussed what I needed done, then made plans for him to come out Saturday morning and then hung up.
I woke up early Saturday morning and cleaned the house and then showered and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I heard Kent’s truck pulling up and I took a deep breath and answered the door. Kent was standing there looking awkward, staring down towards my feet.
“Hi,” I said.
Kent gave me a distant smile and didn’t look me in the eye. I let him in and led him out to the back yard and showed him where the gutters were coming off the house.
“Let me get my ladder.”
“Okay. Then I have a couple of other things when you’re done with that.”
He walked off to get his ladder, leaving me standing there. I expected a little bit of awkwardness, but it was like he was a different person. The old Kent was cocky and confident, flirty and charming, funny and sexy. Now he looked sad and lonely and like he hadn’t been sleeping.
I wanted to say something to him, to try to offer him a little support or sympathy, but I didn’t know what to say. Instead I stayed out of his way and let him do his work. At lunch time, I offered to buy him lunch, but he refused. He said he brought his lunch and he proceeded to eat it in his truck. I sighed and heated up some soup and sat down at the kitchen table. He only took about 15 minutes for his lunch break and then knocked on the door.
“Come in,” I called out.
He walked into the kitchen and I looked up from my soup. He looked anywhere but at me. It was starting to really annoy me. Even though we weren’t together anymore, he didn’t need to knock on the damned door. And he didn’t need to avoid looking at me.
He cleared his throat. “I’m gonna use the bathroom and then I’ll get back to work, if that’s okay?”
“Sure, Kent. You don’t have to knock and you don’t have to ask to use the bathroom. I mean, Jesus, aren’t we beyond that? After all, I’ve sucked your dick in that bathroom.”
I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for a reaction. He finally looked up at me, a look of shock on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but apparently couldn’t come up with a response. He fumbled over his words, then closed his mouth and turned around and walked away.
At least he looked me in the eye. I smiled to myself and went back to my soup.
While he got back to work, I finished my lunch, then grabbed my phone. I went out to the back yard and called up Walt.
“Hey, Walt.”
I explained what was going on with Kent, but he wasn’t very sympathetic. “So what? Why should I care?”
“Aw, come on, Walt. We have to help him.”
“Why should we help him? He was a total dick to you.”
“But then he tried to fix it by coming out, and that’s what fucked up his life. I want to help him. Maybe if he went out with us tonight…”
“Okay, first of all, we don’t want to hang out with him. And second of all, he’s not gonna want to hang out with us. We’re not exactly his crowd.”
“He’s gone out with us before and we all had fun. It’s the same thing.”
“No, it’s not. He was your boyfriend then, not some sad sack loser you’re trying to fix.”
“Look, Walt. I feel like this is my fault. I need to fix this. When you came out to your parents, I was there for you when you were a blubbering mess. Now it’s time for you to do the same for someone else.”
“If you tell me I need to ‘gay it forward’, I’m gonna throw up. And he’s not yours to fix.”
I took a deep breath to calm myself down, but it didn’t help. I was pissed off.
“You know what? Forget it. I’ll do it myself. I’m sorry I bothered you. I’ll let you get back to being a selfish prick.”
I hung up on him. When he tried to call me back, I tapped ‘ignore’ and then turned my phone off. I went back inside and sat at the desk in my office trying to think of a way to help Kent.
I looked up when I heard a tap on the door.
Kent was standing there with his hands in his pockets, not looking me in the eye. “I’m finished. So I’m gonna head out.”
As he turned to leave, I stopped him. “Wait. Let me pay you first.”
I got my check book and wrote out a check for the amount we agreed on and gave it to him. He put it in his wallet, then turned to leave. I grabbed his hand.
“Don’t go. Please.”
Kent swallowed nervously, but didn’t say anything.
“Can we go to dinner and maybe go out for a drink or two or ten? I think you’ll feel better if you talk to someone.”
He looked at me like I was crazy. “You… You really wanna talk to me?”
“Of course I do. I care about you.”
“But you broke up with me. And I don’t blame you after the way I treated you.”
“Yeah. You were a total asshole. But you need a friend right now. So, what do you say?”
“Well… Okay. But I’m buying.”
Kent cleaned up in the bathroom and then the two of us went out to dinner. It was kind of awkward. We made small talk and most of the meal was spent in uncomfortable silence.
“So, tell me what happened,” I finally said.
Kent let out a sigh, then proceeded to tell me everything.
“After you broke things off… I was upset and then I was pissed off. I was so fucking pissed at you. You knew the terms of our relationship and you said it was okay.”
I didn’t like hearing that, but I bit my tongue and didn’t say anything, and let him continue.
“It took me a couple of days, but I realized I was being an asshole. I was still pissed, but at myself… for letting you go… for how I treated you. The way I treated you was beyond shitty. I didn’t realize how much I would miss you… I was in a constant bad mood, snapping at people… And it just kind of happened. I was at Bulldogs with my buddies… One of them rubbed me the wrong way and I let him have it. After I cussed him out, they started making cracks about me needing to get laid, then they started joking about you, you know… sucking my dick or whatever. They started to get really nasty… I was fucking livid. I told them not to talk about you like that. Then I just blurted it out. I said ‘I’m gay’.”
“Then what happened?”
“I got into a fight with Boyd. We’re talking a knock-down drag-out in the parking lot.”
“Wow. Did you win?” I asked.
“Hell yeah I won.”
We both laughed heartily, then took a drink of our beers.
“That was the last time I saw any of them,” he continued. “Boyd told one of my brothers and he told everyone. Mom’s pretty much the only one who’ll talk to me, but it’s strained. It’s not like we had that great of a relationship to begin with and now… Eh.”
“I’m really sorry, Kent.”
Kent scratched his bearded jaw and shrugged. “What’re ya gonna do… It’s out there now…”
I decided to change the subject. We talked about me finishing school and I caught him up on some of the things that have happened in the past three months.
He told me about the cougar that answered the door in a skimpy little robe last week.
“I looked at her blankly and said ‘Ma’am, I’m gay.’ She huffed and tightened her robe and mumbled ‘The kitchen’s over there’, and stomped away to her bedroom to put on some clothes.”
I laughed so hard I was practically in tears. He told me some more stories and I looked up at him and he was smiling and laughing. Some of that spark was back in his eyes and that really made me happy.
“You know, that was the first time I told a stranger that I was gay,” he said thoughtfully.
I smiled warmly at him and I reached over and squeezed his hand. He squeezed it back and ran his thumb over the top of my hand for a few seconds before pulling his hand away and turning away from my gaze.
After he dropped me off at home, he put his tools and stuff into his truck. He got into the truck and rolled down the window. I leaned in against the door.
“Thanks, Cliff,” he said. “I had a good time tonight.”
“I’m glad I could lift your spirits a little bit.”
“You were right. Talking about it helped.”
“If you ever want to talk more, I’m available.”
I stood there for a few seconds, unsure what to do next. His arm was on the door window sill and I reached over and lightly ran my fingers through the hair on his forearm.
Kent cleared his throat. “Do you maybe want to go out again next Saturday?”
His voice was shaky and unsure. He watched me with a vulnerable, but hopeful look in his eyes.
I smiled and quickly said, “Yes.”
He let out a little breath of relief, then leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“See you next Saturday then, Cliff.”
“Bye, Kent,” I said as I stepped back from the truck.
I gave him a wave as he pulled away and then I went inside. I had a big grin on my face.
When I met my friends for lunch on Monday, I told them about going to dinner with Kent. I told them everything that he told me over dinner.
“Jesus,” Byrne said as he shook his head. “That’s some drama.”
Walt looked at me pointedly. “So did you let him fuck you?”
I choked on my water. I set my glass down hard on the table and wiped my chin with my napkin and glared at Walt.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but no. We didn’t f… have sex. And I don’t need you, of all people, judging me.”
“I’m not judging you,” Walt said with a shrug. “I just think you’re making a mistake. After the way he treated you.”
I rolled my eyes.
“We care about you,” Chip said. “If you really want to get back with Kent, I think that’s great. But I also think you should be careful.”
Byrne nodded. “You should take it slow. Don’t let him off the hook too easy.”
I nodded slowly in agreement. In my mind I had already forgiven him for what he had done, but if I was going to keep seeing him, then we needed to step back and slow things down.
And that’s what we did. We took it slow. When I told Kent what I had in mind, he agreed. He wanted the same thing.
Kent and I continued to regularly go out on dates, seeing each other two or three times a week. The first two dates, he’d walk me to my door and kiss my cheek, then say goodnight. Then the next time, he kissed me on the lips. After nearly a month of dating, we were full on kissing at my door. Deep, passionate kisses. I could feel that he was aroused as he pressed it into my stomach, but he never made a move to go further. I knew he wanted me, and that it was difficult for him not to pressure me into sex, but he wanted to show me that he was committed to me. He was a perfect gentleman.
It was so strange dating Kent this time around. But strange in a good way. I mean, we literally went all the way the first day we met. Our relationship started out with sex. This go around, we got to know each other. We spent time together talking and laughing. We really talked. We talked about our dreams and goals. About our fears and hopes. About our past and our future.
I learned about his family and how he didn’t really get along with his siblings, especially now that he was out. My heart hurt for him.
I told Kent things I’ve never told anyone else, not even Walt. Like how I lost my virginity with a stranger in the cab of his pickup truck when I was 17 years old. Parked in the parking lot of the baptist church, I let him fuck me. My eyes teared up when I recalled how naive I was. How I believed him when he said he really liked me. Kent put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head.
“That guy was an asshole,” Kent said softly. “He didn’t know what he had. And I speak from experience.”
He kissed my head again and I cuddled into his big body. He laid his forehead on my head.
“I’m so sorry, Cliff,” he whispered into my hair.
His voice was quiet and strained. I looked up at him. His jaw quivered and his eyes welled up and then tears spilled down his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you, Cliffy. Please forgive me.”
I pulled him close and rested his head on my shoulder. I held him tight as he cried.
“I forgive you, Kent,” I whispered back and kissed the side of his head. “I love you, Kent.”
“I love you, too.”
Over that month, the old Kent gradually came back, but his experience did change him. He was no longer cocky, but he was still charming and funny and his confidence was quickly returning as well.
We were kissing and making out in his pickup truck after a dinner and movie date. Kent kissed along my neck and ears. I decided that we had waited long enough. I wanted him. I needed him.
I slid my hand up his thigh. I ran my hand over the large bulge and gave it a light squeeze, feeling its heat right through his jeans. Kent groaned and his hand locked over the top of mine and pressed it down into him. I felt his fat dick throb underneath my hand and I let out a quiet whimper. Kent’s other hand moved behind my head and held me tight as he kissed me harder.
“Kent… Spend the night with me,” I breathed against his mouth.
“Yes, baby,” he grunted.
We got out of the truck and I grabbed Kent’s hand and dragged him inside the house. Once inside, I kicked the door shut and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down and kissed him.
“I want you so bad,” I whispered. “I can’t wait any longer.”
That was what he was waiting for. A growl escaped from deep in Kent’s chest and he took charge. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard. He ground his body against mine and kissed me until I was breathless. He suddenly pulled back and looked deep into my eyes.
“Upstairs. Now.”
Oh, god. He was so manly and sexy. My knees nearly gave out, but I recovered quickly and ran up the stairs with him hot on my tail. He goosed me and I giggled and tried to get away from him. We ran down the hall laughing. When we got into the bedroom, he caught me and picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. He pounced on top of me and kissed me as he pulled my clothes off. He got off the bed and quickly tore his clothes off and then got back on the bed and moved on top of me.
“I love you, Cliffy. I promise that I will never ever treat you bad again. I don’t ever want to make you cry again, baby. I promise.”
“I love you, too, Kent. And I’m gonna hold you to that promise. Now shut up and make love to me.”
Kent kissed me slowly and passionately as his rough hands moved tenderly all over my body. I moaned and whimpered, pushing my hips up into him, silently begging for him to touch my throbbing boner.
Kent kissed down my neck to my chest. He kissed down the middle to my navel. His tongue ran a little circle around it. As he moved lower, I grabbed his head and ran my fingers through his mat of brown hair. He licked up and down the length of my dick, then licked each of my balls. He took each one into his mouth, then licked back up my shaft. His lips encircled the head of my dick and he slid all the way down.