Cliff Gives Handy Man Sloppy Blowjob

“Will you stay the night?” I asked as I stroked my fingers through the hair on his chest.

“Yeah?” he asked with genuine surprise.


“Sure. I’d love to.”

“Good. If I can get my butt out of bed, we can take a shower in my fully functional bathroom.”

Kent laughed and got out of bed and pulled me to my feet. I adjusted the shower temperature and we stepped in and Kent closed the glass door. The shower was plenty big enough for both of us. The warm water felt so good flowing down onto us. Kent took me in his arms and kissed all over my neck and shoulders. He was so tender and gentle. I leaned into him and let him take care of me.

After we showered, I pulled an extra toothbrush from under the sink and gave it to him. I noticed after he finished brushing his teeth, he put it in the toothbrush holder with mine. For some reason that little gesture made me very happy.

When we got back into bed, he pulled me to him and kissed me and I snuggled against his warm body. I heard him start to snore as I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I was all tangled up in Kent. As much as I wanted to stay and cuddle with him, my bladder was telling me to get up. I pulled myself away and used the bathroom and then brushed my teeth. Kent stumbled in and I chuckled. His eyes were half-closed and his hair was a mess. I took in the sight of his big hairy body and the fat uncut dick hanging between his legs. A shiver ran through me and I had to look away.

“Got a job at nine,” he mumbled.

He put the toilet seat down and that was my cue to get out of there.

I pulled on a t-shirt and some briefs and I headed to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. I grabbed a couple of skillets and fried some bacon and scrambled some eggs. I put four slices of bread into the toaster and went back to my eggs.

“Mmm. Smells good in here,” Kent said as he walked into the kitchen.

I turned to see that he was fully dressed and ready to go. I smiled at him and looked back down and flipped the bacon. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. His body surrounded me and pulled me tight to him as he nibbled on my neck.

“Good morning,” I said with a giggle as his beard tickled my skin.

“You know what they say about stray dogs. If you feed them, they’ll keep coming back.”

“Good,” I said quietly.

Kent let go of me and leaned back on the counter next to the stove and watched me. He had a smug grin on his face. I looked over at him and I suddenly felt nervous.

“What?” I asked.


He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss.

I blushed a little. “The mugs are in that cabinet if you want a cup of coffee.”

He kissed me again and got two mugs and filled them both.

“Do you need any milk or sugar?” I asked.

“Nope. I like it black,” he said as he sipped the hot drink.

“Me, too.”

I grabbed two plates and piled one with most of the eggs and all but two slices of bacon. I grabbed two slices of toast and handed the plate to him. That got me another quick kiss. By now, I was grinning like an idiot. I fixed my plate and joined him at the breakfast bar.

“Mm. This is good, Cliffy,” he said with a mouth full of eggs.

“It’s no big deal,” I shrugged. “Eggs are easy.”

“Well, it’s a big deal to me.”

“Thanks,” I smiled.

He gave me another quick kiss.

“Bacony,” he said as he licked his lips and we both laughed.

After we finished breakfast, Kent took the plates and mugs and put them into the dishwasher.

“I gotta go, babe,” he said.


He grabbed his tools and stuff and headed to the front door. He bent down and gave me a slow and sensual kiss.

“Call me,” he said.

“I will. Bye.”


I didn’t call Kent on Monday. I didn’t want to seem too eager or desperate. Plus, I had class after work, so I was busy all day.

I hemmed and hawed all day Tuesday about calling him. Driving home from work, I realized I was being stupid. He told me to call him. He wanted me to call him. I decided that I would call him as soon as I got home. My cell phone rang and my bluetooth headset beeped and announced a number I didn’t recognize off the top of my head. I put the headset into my ear and pressed the button to answer it.


“Cliff? Hi, it’s me. Kent. Kent Barnes.”

“Hi, Kent. How are you?”

“I’m good. So listen… I was mapping out my week and I wanted to know… uh, if you were planning on me for Saturday.”

“Um, well I have a pretty big list of things that need to be done.”

“Okay. So I’ll pencil you in for Saturday. All day?”

“Yeah. Um… I was thinking that maybe we could get together before Saturday?”

“Yeah?” I could see his cocky grin over the phone.

“Mm-hmm. Maybe you could look at my list and we could plan out Saturday?”

“Sure. How ’bout tonight? You like Chinese? I can get some takeout and stop by.”

“That’d be great. I like anything, so whatever you want is good with me.”

“I’ll see you in about an hour.”

Kent showed up about 15 minutes after I got home. I opened the door and invited him in.

“Hi, Kent.”

“Hey, Cliff.”

He was carrying a big bag of food and a black tool bag. He leaned his head in towards me and then pulled away. He cleared his throat and set the food down on the breakfast bar. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stood there looking nervous.

He was so cute I couldn’t stand it. I walked up to him and got real close.

“You could have kissed me back there,” I said quietly. “I wouldn’t have minded.”

I ran my fingers through the hair sticking out over the top of his tank top and looked up at him.

His hand moved to the back of my neck and he bent down and kissed me deeply.

“Better?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

We both chuckled and felt more relaxed. I pulled off my tie and unbuttoned my top button and tossed my tie on the breakfast bar. I grabbed the bag of food and carried it to the kitchen table. I grabbed a couple of plates and asked Kent what he wanted to drink while he unpacked the bag.

“You got a beer?” he asked.

“Sure. Hey… I’m sorry I didn’t call you yesterday. I… Well… I was being stupid.”

“Eh. That’s okay. I was hanging out with my buddies watching Monday Night Football down at Bulldog’s. That’s a sports bar.”

“Ah,” I nodded.

I brought him a bottle of beer and got a can of Coke for myself. Kent had chosen four different dishes as well as steamed rice and two egg rolls. We filled our plates up and I grabbed a pair of the disposable chopsticks. He did the same and began digging in.

“Wow. I’m impressed,” I said as I watched him use the chopsticks like a pro.

“”I dated an Asian guy a long time ago,” he chewed. “He taught me how to use chopsticks. Among other things.”

He popped another piece of chicken in his mouth and winked at me. I laughed and began eating.

After we finished dinner, I put the leftovers in the fridge while he took care of the dishes.

“Okay, babe. Let’s see this list.”

I smiled to myself at his casual slip of the endearment. He pulled out a notepad and pencil out of his tool bag. I saw he had a change of clothes in there as well and it made me smile. I went to my home office and grabbed my list and we sat down on the couch together.

He put his arm on the back of the couch and his hand rested on my shoulder. He leaned in close and looked at the list. I looked up at him and I couldn’t resist. I leaned in and kissed his cheek. He smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss. His arm moved properly around my shoulders.

“How ’bout we do the upstairs guest bath?” he said as he pointed to the list.

“The fixtures?”

“All of it,” he said as he pointed down the list. “The fixtures, the lights, tiling the floor.”

“Really? In one day?”

“I can get it done. I can’t grout until the tile is set, but yeah. And you won’t be able to use the toilet until that’s done since I have to take it out. Why not?”

I shrugged. “Okay. Whatever you say.”

He scratched some numbers down and come up with an amount.

“That sounds really low,” I frowned.

“That doesn’t include the product we’ll have to buy. Just labor.”

“That still sounds low.”

Kent shrugged. “I’m giving you a little bit of a discount.”

“You don’t have to do that. I don’t want to cheat you out of what you deserve to be paid just because we’re…”


“Yeah… That…”

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I had hoped that it was more than just… fucking.

“You wanna head to Home Depot? Do some shopping?” he asked.

“Sure,” I said quietly. I pushed up off the couch.

Kent took my arm. “Hey. Something wrong?”

I looked up at him. “No. It’s… It’s stupid. Nevermind me. Let’s go.”

Kent put his hands on my shoulders. “If something’s bothering you, I wanna know, Cliffy.”

He was looking at me and seemed to be genuinely concerned. I decided not to beat around the bush and be honest. Hiding my feelings never got me anywhere in the past.

“Is that all I am to you, Kent? Just a fuck? I know we haven’t known each other very long… But I was hoping that there was something more between us.”

I started to feel myself getting emotional. Shit. My eyes started to tear up and I looked away from him. He pulled me into a hug. One of his hands moved up to the back of my head and he gently stroked my hair.

“Cliff. That was a poor choice of words. You are more than just a fuck to me. But, listen…”

He moved away and pulled me down to the couch.

“I already told you that I’m not out. I gotta be discreet. That usually ends up being a deal breaker for most guys. I’d like to keep seeing you, but I understand if you don’t want to.”

“So… just casual dating then?”


“Are you dating other guys, too?”

“No,” he said quickly. “Just you.”

“Okay,” I agreed.


“Yeah. I want to keep seeing you.”

He smiled and kissed me. I put my arms around him and kissed him back. I would take casual dating with him. If he wasn’t seeing other guys, then that was good enough for me.

We spent a couple of hours at Home Depot buying new a light fixture, a new faucet for the sink with matching accessories. I picked out a nice earthy ceramic tile for the floor.

After we put everything in the garage, I invited Kent in.

“You wanna relax, have a beer?”

“I still gotta drive home, so I probably shouldn’t.”

“You could stay the night here… if you’re too buzzed to drive.”

“Okay then.”

I grabbed us a couple of beers from the fridge and I handed one to Kent.

“Do you mind if we drink these out back? I haven’t had a smoke all night and I’m kind of dying here.”

“Sure,” I chuckled.

He put his arm around my neck and kissed the side of my head and dragged me out to the back deck. We sat down at the patio table and Kent lit a smoke. He seemed to relax almost immediately.

“Kent, you’re welcome to come out here and smoke anytime you want to. I don’t mind at all.”

“I try not to smoke around you,” he said as he flicked his ashes off the side of deck.

“Well, you don’t have to do that,” I said as I took a drink of my beer.

I looked over at him and he was smirking at me. He narrowed his eyes and took a drag of his cigarette. He tilted his head back and blew out a few smoke rings. God, he was so hot. My face started to feel warm and I had to look away. I heard him chuckling softly.

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